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Self-Care During Pregnancy and Postpartum in Honor of Mother's Day

Uncategorized May 11, 2017

Image by: Laura Swift Photography 

Cultivating self-care during pregnancy and the postpartum days is vital to thrive as a new mother. Your motherhood journey begins, emotionally, when you find out there is a baby growing inside you.

Your life shifts and is changed. 

It's challenging and beautiful! 

The most important way to cultivate self-care is to fill your cup!  

A few ways to do this is:

  • Getting good rest.  Now, I know you may be thinking it is impossible to get sleep being uncomfortable during pregnancy or with a newborn. It is important to be committed to finding ways and time to sleep.  Pregnancy hormones make you SLEEPY!  Don't feel guilty about letting everything go and taking a nap.  If you have already had your baby, find someone to come help for a few hours for you to get a solid nap. 
  • Getting nutritious foods. Plan ahead to have fresh or frozen meals brought to you.  Have ingredients ready and planned to begin your day with a veggie or fruit smoothie. There is a mental aspect of nurturing yourself. If you are feeling exhausted, lonely, overwhelmed, discouraged; it may be difficult to motivate yourself to eat well. Make a choice now to begin eating well and your emotional state will shift.  Your hormones will balance, the vitamins will give you energy, and you will begin to feel better physically and emotionally. 

Give yourself time to adjust.

Whether you are pregnant or already have your baby, give yourself time to adjust at he thought of motherhood and the transition to motherhood. Acknowledge that the feelings of overwhelm, discouragement, loneliness, inadequacy, are all normal.  Spare yourself the feelings of guilt and give yourself grace.  You will get through it!

Reclaim mind space.

Give yourself time for a mind dump. Set aside time daily, weekly, monthly . . . to journal, dance, play music, go for a walk by yourself, or whatever you need to do to clear your mind of chatter, the to do list, etc. and breathe in life and peace. 

Reclaim your passions. 

Entering into motherhood, it is very easy to lose ourselves and our passions. It has become my passion to support you on your pregnancy, birth, and motherhood journey and to help you cultivate your passion when the fog of newborn land has lifted. 

In the Postpartum Journey e-courses, I share a story about a woman named Inanna. Her soul journey parallels your soul journey of birth and motherhood. While sharing her story, in the videos, I guide you to process your own story and reawaken the depth of your passions. 

Take small spiritual retreats.

Take a few hours or days to cultivate your spirit through meditation, a church gathering, go on a nature walk, gather with trusted fiends. Listen deeply. 

Build a support network. 

During pregnancy you can begin networking with moms groups in person and online and begin preparing for your postpartum transition. 

Invest in yourself this Mother's Day weekend!

You can begin planning now to experience postpartum bliss and minimize the risk of postpartum depression.

As my gift to you, I am offering a HUGE discount, now through Monday, May 15th, of 50% off all Postpartum Journey courses! 

Use the coupon code- "MOTHERSDAY2017".  The coupon code expires on Monday at midnight! 

Visit Postpartum Journey to learn about the courses and to register now to begin your journey! Enter the coupon code at checkout. 

I would love to hear how you are cultivating self-care and celebrating yourself on Mother's Day.  Share in the comments below. :)

Share this blog with your pregnant friends and join the tribe together! 

Blessings on your journey,

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