A Unique Childbirth Preparation Experience

Learning to prepare in your heart not your head for labor!

What you really need to know to give birth.

Have you heard that women SCREAM and FREAK OUT during labor? Well, it doesn't have to be that way! Giving birth is as much about your mindset as it is a physical process. You can learn to shift your mindset and get out of your head (stages of labor) and into your body! You can't "think" your way through labor. Learn mindfulness practices, labor positions, and a bag of tricks that work to help you navigate any kind of birth and the unexpected events that may arise.

Labor Prep Not Like the Movies?

The hilarious drama of labor practice for Lucy!

The details of what's inside:

The course is divided into in-person preparation and online modules. There are PDF downloads to reference during your labor.

Who will deliver your baby and support your labor? 

I know you want to feel safe and comfortable with your support team.  It is important to think about who will be in your sacred space to deliver your baby and help you cope with the intensity of labor. 

You will learn about different care providers and labor support, their roles during birth, and options of places to help you decide the best place for you to birth your baby.  

Worried about the pain of labor?

I understand!  You don't have to be screaming . . . and FREAKING OUT during labor!  Through live video calls, you will dig deep within and explore what you already know to do to cope with pain.  Learn what your brain and body does when you experience stress and the unknown.  You will learn the "pain coping" mindset and mindfulness practices to begin to retrain your mind, deepen your determination to cope with intensity, and get out of your head.  Together, we explore ways to work with the pain of labor without creating mental suffering.

How to prepare for any type of birth and the many unknowns.

Learn about all aspects of labor, pushing, hormones and physiology, wise and compassionate uses of interventions, labor positions, partner support, preparing for cesarean birth, and much more! 

Pregnancy brain IS real and it is difficult to remember everything you have learned to prepare for labor. You will get beautifully designed info-graphics to have with you to reference including; Stages of Labor, Partner Support, Tips for Labor, How to Have Peace in Labor.

Wondering how to prepare your mama heart for labor and birth?

Preparing your heart for motherhood is as important as preparing your baby’s nursery. I will guide you through a visualization to imagine yourself as a parent and then share part one of a story of a strong and courageous woman. Her heroic journey parallels the transition from pregnancy to postpartum. You will take time for reflection on your own transition as you discover ways her story can guide you and your partner to process and embrace the rite of passage through birth and the postpartum transition.

Wondering how to support as the partner?

I have you covered! You will learn valuable information about the atmosphere of labor, ways to engage and support mama, as well as maintaining peace within yourself when stress and chaos arise. 

You may be struggling with cravings, food aversions, and nausea . . . 

Eating healthy during pregnancy is important but can be very hard, especially when all you are craving is french fries, carbs, and ice-cream!  Even a certified health coach struggled to eat vegetables!  She shares her story inside.   You will learn tips to stay motivated to eat healthier and sneak healthy foods into your diet. Also, learn about herbs to support your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum healing.  

Thinking about feeding your baby?

There are many questions, concerns, and stigmas that arise while learning to feed your baby. Get your questions answered, learn breastfeeding positions, and to recognize a proper latch while sitting cozy on your couch!

If you are not planning to breastfeed, you will feel supported while hearing from a mama about her experience letting go of nursing and deciding to exclusively bottle-feed.

It's time to set up your nursery!

It's an exciting and fun time! Whether you have designated a certain room in your house or are creating a nook in a room for your new baby, enjoy learning tips to help you as you dream!

I'm Ready to Prepare for Birth!

"This course really prepared our hearts and minds for the birthing process. I am a firm believer now that there's a bigger battle that goes on with your mind and how you will respond to the pain. The live "Pain Coping" calls were very helpful and prepares you to be confident and cope with the intensity of labor, whether you are planning to birth medicated or naturally." ~ Justine, "Seasoned" Mom

"I have found this course extremely helpful in preparing for both the practical and emotional elements of birth and the postpartum period. The story of “Inanna” had a strong impact on my preparation for birth and postpartum."  ~ Jesseca- New Mom

"This course was well worth the time and money. I really used the mindfulness coping techniques I learned in this course to remain calm and cope with labor."

"It surprised me how helpful the labyrinth part of the e-course was. When I started the process of the labyrinth, I realized that I had to get past the threshold of fear in order to enjoy and embrace the journey of childbirth and motherhood. I also realized that before entering the journey I had to trust; trust in my body and my husband. The labyrinth helped me process my fears and left me feeling encouraged and ready to embrace birth and motherhood with a new perspective."

You may be thinking. . .